There were me, amir, ming, ben, adilah, ayam, hakim, achot, doc and family.
I also saw Princess, Kim, Ah Thiam, Weng Aun, Dino, Azam, Ashley and a host of other regulars.

I must say i misses racing. Infact, this race was possible because i promised wifey i'll finish it in record time just incase Ryan decided to come out yesterday.
Also, thanks to Bandit for being so kind and registered me for the race.
As with any other races, anticipation in the early morning was hard to ignore.
I felt like some virgin runner, running my first ever race. Nevermind the fact i posted my PB time last year at the same race with a good 48.44 minutes. I did tell myself to try to at least acheive this again.
So, at 7.30am, the MB flagged us all off. I found myself running a good pace initially. For a good 2km which i did in 10 minutes of jostling with other runners. My heart rate was going skyhigh, touching 180bpm on several occasion. Adrenalin rush. It felt good to be racing, again.
Weng Aun caught up with me and i ran with him for the next 2km or so. Then, i realised my second wind ain't coming anytime soon. Going into my 20th minutes of run, i felt very lethargic. Legs were not listening to what my heart wants to say.
But i ran anyway. Going into my 5th KM in 26 minutes, if i could maintain this pace and sprint when going downhill, there is a good chance i'll do anohter PB.
It was then Amir came from behind me and asked me to push for 48minutes.
He was running without a number as Bandit had some emergency and couldn't pass the bib to him.
Not that it mattered anyway as SJ10k is notorious for not providing ANY water to runners. Cheapskate.
Amir pulled away and i could already see Weng Aun running infront a good distance.
My second wind never came.
It was only after running for 40 minutes and going into my 7km that my leg got it's rhythm back and i tried to keep a 6:00 pace.
No pain whatsoever, but heart rate was a high 171bpm.
At the u-turn, i saw Amir again, he should be doing a good 50minutes or less i supposed. After the U-Turn, i saw Ben, then Ming and then Adilah.
Ben overtook me at the final last 300 meters and i know i won't be able to post any PB.
But that doesn't matter, as i finished the race anyway. Not in any style, but with a friend.
Amir waited for me at the side while wifey snapped pic of me and him.

I ended the race in a slow 57min +/- 1 minute.
Congrats to Kim, Dino, Ashley and Ming for scoring good position!
And congrats to me, for not crashing out and giving up.
This morning, Wifey gave me back my Phiten. She thinks i might need it as she knows my legs are hurting this morning. Almost jello like!
So, there you go, my last race for this year and on the plus side, my PB record wasn't broken by any of my LnE friends, YET!
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