Friday, January 27, 2006

OP Ahmad Ramli Zakaria - Trans-Borneo Cycling 2006

All of you had heard about OP Ramli's endeavour last year when he cycled from Padang Besar to his birthplace Tumpat which was a Trans-peninsular trip from up north of west coast to down south and up...

VICCB - A Band to Reckon with...

Man, watching this video brought back so much memory of seeing Them practice...and practice...and practice.My salute to you all!LInk to Video : H...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

In the News!!!!

Thanks to Mani and his powerful scanner and initiative, i could share with all of you, 2 paper cutting from the local dailies which has the 12 teams that will participate in the coming Explorace Season...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

PACM/Great Eastern 30k run

Not coming out with any excuse that i missed this run.But here are the report from Zabil: Reportand pics here: Here la!Well done to all that done this run.Now i better start doing 30km by end of this month if i want to even finish the 42...

Dog Year...Bad year...

Was reading the paper yesterday (The Star, the paper that wants to be a tabloid) and there was an article in Section 2 about luck for all the 12 chinese zodiac in the year of the Fire Dog.Doesn't sound too good la (mine's in BIG RED Bold lettering)Taken...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

It's not fair.

Just saw the news.Terence of KL Penguin is down with brain tumour.Bro, My prayers is for you and with you.I know you will pull out of this as how you would everytime in every race you entered.more news...

Explorace Season 3 Press Conference

Howdy all...Been missing for two days for this Press Conference purpose.Day one was from 2pm till 6pm. Teams were asked to go to the Fire Station at Tmn Desa for some rehearsal. Apprently, this will be...

Monday, January 16, 2006

Siemens 10K Charity Run

First race of the year and it's already stressful getting to the race starting line.There were tonnes of people since this run was meant for charity. But that doesn't stop all the runners from showing...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Fury of the Wind

The temperature was circa 18 degree C. But i swore it felt like 8 degree C. Crosswind strong enough to blow us to one side. Headwind so strong it stop us from progressing on.It was madness.Cold to the...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

2005 In reflection : Sports

Happy new year all.I just almost recovered from whatever illness i had over the past weeks. Must be the body's way of telling me to slow down as i'm no longer 18, to start with!Had a bad case of tonsilitis, which were then given some drugs by Doc Hisham....