It's been two days.Murphy, our Shitzu, sorta ran out of the house and i supposed he was dog-napped.Not been the best of experiences, what more that this chap hasn't gone out of the house at all.You don't...
Was enjoying the coolness of the river at Sg Pusu after riding offroad for an hour or so.Jumped right in, and felt something crawling on my left ankle.moved out of the water, thinking it was a dead leaf.But dead left don't move, right?and here is what...
as per requested...:DThe girls which enjoy torturing me...pic by Normanwe were made to sing...i f-ed up "you mean everything to me" lyric went haywire...definately NOT Paul Anka's material but ABSOLUTELY...
After 4 years of knowing each other, 2 years of planning for the marriage ceremony, 1year 5 months of legally being husband and wife, 4 weeks of actual planning for the ceremony and one full day of fun,...
Was so delighted to see Terence finally penning his thoughts again.While running that day, there were once or twice that i got bugged by the pain. But i keep thinking how my wife would laugh at me if i did not finish...and also how much you wanted to...
Blimey.How embarassing could it get for myself?I was at Petronas Station at Mutiara Damansara yesterday to top up my TnG and get F1 tix for me and my bestman.I was too engrossed in trying to get the tickets when as i was about to decide, i noticed a...
To qoute IronDoc's word " There is only 2 speed, slow and very slow".That was what happened yesterday.We were flagged off at 5am. The legs wasn't feeling good, perhaps it's the butterflies in the tummy...
less than 48 hours away.Supposed to check into the starting line at 4am. Run flag off at 5am.Getting butterflies in the tummy. Virgin marathon. Just like the first time, it will either be painful...or pleasureable.Doc wrote a long report on his Ironman...
After almost 13 years, i'm still wondering where one of my batchmate in RMC is.I knew he went back to Kuantan to do his Sixth Form after RMC, but since then, i've not heard of him anymore.As i was driving...