Monday, July 31, 2006

How does it felt like...

Explorace Johor Came and went, both the race and the TV show.On the night of the airing, the turn up for from fellow Exploracer was awesome. Maybe because they wanted to see the cili padi eating competition.Smses kept coming in and phone did not stop...

MMDS Putrajaya Race Report

What a race. I think unofficially the Duathletes all did a 10km-60km-5km race yesterday.It wasn't the organiser's fault, but rahter, some technical error that caused the cycling part to include the Powerman...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

my 5 minutes of fame this morning...

Appeared in MHI this morning for a good 10 minutes with James for Explorace Johor.:)It was a lil unnerving actually to be sitting there and knowing that the show is LIVE.I now know how exactly the previous 8 teams felt when they were sitting there from...

Explorace Episode 6: Johor!

The time has come. I'll be on National TV racing with Azly against David and James.:)Don't forget to see it tonight at 9.30pm on TV3!!!Excerpt from Explorace WebsiteKota Tinggi, Johor with it’s lush greenery...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Forgive me, for i've sinned...

Out of the 7 Deadly Sins...Dear God, i've commited all 7 within 24hours.Yesterday night, i started the first sin by getting into sloth mode. I skipped Gym workout when MMDS is like 6 days from yesterday.I...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Nostalgic - you bet

It was 1st January 1992. Major Malay dailies carried this news which happened on the 31st December 1991.This is history, things that happened 14 Years, coming 15th Years ago.The paper is still in good...

Monday, July 24, 2006

One day in PD

Great Weekend.Not only i saw the largest group of friends doing the triathlon in both sprint and full distance, one of us actually came up first runner up in the Women Sprint category...on her mountain...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Advice, Work, Magazine, Biceps etc etc etc

Must be one of my most incoherent posting to date. Never have i attempted to write about so many different subject in one sitting. Maybe the weekend is here, that is why. So, after a week fo emo ranting...

Explorace Episode 5: Taiping

it's the time of the week again... Don't forget to watch it tonight at 9.30pm on TV3!!!!Excerpt from the official website:Taiping, meaning town of everlasting peace provided Explorace with many exciting destinations to explore. Heritage and historic...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Inconsiderate neighbours

there is rubbish bin in the lift's lobby you know?I don't get it.why must you throw rubbish from your car onto other's parking lot? Why bother taking the toll's reciept if you have every intention to...

Monday, July 17, 2006

Over The Weekend and Eco-X revisited

Box to collect fund for Anti Smoking CampaignWifey was down with food poisoning on Wednesday and only recovered fully on Thursday.Then it was my turn come Friday. And i was immobile until Sunday.Not sure...