Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Selamat Hari Merdeka!

A few hours to go before we celebrate Merdeka again.I love you Malaysia!A Burmese Immigrant with his two prized chicken...Let me tell you a story.This woman, which was a rich person back in her home country....

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

AXN Amazing Mall Challenge : News on Astro Ria

You've all read the report. Now see the news.This was broadcasted the same evening of the race at 7.30pm on Astro Ria.Thanks to a crony for this video clip! You know who you are...

Monday, August 28, 2006

Dances with Stupe

Inspired by mteekos' post of Dances with Wolves, i bring to you, my version of Dances with Stupe. As usual, more reason to cam whore.trying to fly but ended up looking like that cartoon from Madagascaror...

Friday, August 25, 2006

Congrats Mummy Aini!!!

Oh boy. Where had i been. I was anticipating Aini's delivery about 2 weeks ago and she finally gave birth on the day when i was away up north for the Explorace Finale.Anyway, Congrats Aini and Hubby!For...