More reasons to rejoice. My Best bud, which was also my Best Man, will be a dad soon. I had to keep this under wrap as it's considered *pantang* (superstitious) to announce pregnancy before the first...
It's a week since i got the car, The Hyundai Matrix 1.6AFuel consumptionClocked almost 700km and fill her up twice.First tankful got me to 515km on 50liters of petrol. That works out to about 10km/l or...
"You decide if you need Epidural when it's 3cm", Dr. Raman told me and wifey as asked him about pain management during delivery.Baby Ryan is in good shape, weighing in at about 2.3kg now and about 18...
To all my friends that will be celebrating Deepavali and/or Hari Raya this holiday, I wish all of you a very Happy Deepavali/Diwali and Selamat Hari Raya!Drive safe to all that is going back to their hometown and have a safe journey back too!Oh ya, have...
I bid a sad goodbye to my mode of transport today. Even the sun ain't as bright anymore...Having to serve me really well over the years. It's a sad goodbye and i promise him that i'll say "Hi!" i i see...
And i saw this...Toyota Celi-super-caSeriously, i've no idea what the owner are thinking, ok, maybe he isn't thinking (by the way, the driver look like he is in his 40's)He also installed a bonnet scoop...
Yeap, a fugly MYVI.The owner should had just keep the car stock standard.Rice Rice Baby...The pseudo Passo rear bumper was dead ugly.The paintwork was worse, reminding me of the bad painjob that proton...
In tandem with my promotion of Choco and SoulPop's Asam Pedas Tanjung, I went over to TTDI to get some of what they have to offer.With them was Dona and Norman.:)Asam Pedas Kuih Muih FraternityChoco wasn't...
Best song to explain my emotions nowI admit. I was once an Ah Beng (many say i'm still am).This Kancil was officially my first car which i paid with my monthly wages. It's been 6 years since. How time...
I might be biologically 30 this year.But over the span of 2 years, i realised my memory aren't that good anymore.I am planning to sell my Kancil that had served me for a good 6 years (coming 7). I checked...
Over the past 2 weeks, Ryan has put on a good 500gram or more. From 1.95kg at week 32, he is now officially tipping the scale at 2.59kg.At week 32, he is a good 16 inch tall and now, he is an 17.5 inches....
Went back to UK (as in Ulu Kelang) to buy a watch for my mum in law to be given to her and chicWhy UK? Well, for one, i could actually get some really nice looking Seiko 5 for a bargain....
Found this on site under the Morning Crew...Even as i'm typing this i'm laughing my ass off!We're Not So Furious - By Mat RempitsI wonder if you knowHow to be a mat motorIf you like itCome and try itThen you'll really really knowWe're not so...
What Malaysian couldn't escape is food. Well, lately, it has been HAZE. But i'm not gonna touch on the HAZY issue here today.Since now is the fasting month. There are tonnes of Pasar Ramadan going on...
What do you know?In 7 years, Cats Whiskers has opened anohter branch. This time in Section 15 Subang.They started off humbly in Sri Hartamas and has since opened their second branch in Damansara Perdana...