Finally, a Malaysian "sponsored site" which pays you in Ringgit Malaysia (and not via PayPal) for the reviews you do! is a locally grown products/website review that will ask the bloggers to blog about things they know best. And that would mean anything and everything Malaysian!
One main reason why i signed up with Advertlets was mainly due to the fact that most "foreign sponsored post" program would ask you to write about things which aren't native to you. I mean, would you want to write about some financial institution that offers great rates for your home mortgage when it doesn't even applies to anyone here in Malaysia?
Well, perhaps you would if you are too hard up for the money! I won't and that is why i'm looooosssiiinnnggg revenues. (Then again, i'm not any pro-blogger anyway).
My first experience with Advertlets is when i received a notification from them people there and guess what, each reply are personalised and it is not some randomly generated reply which some of these program would sent out to. I mean, lets be fair, true enough that a general notification would be sent out to all that is tied to the program, but Advertlets went a step further by personally replying to your queries. Unlike some online services where you will get notification that " we have recieved your suggestions and will reply promptly", which we all know will never happen anyway; so, the crew are interactive. You are dealing with human here, not with robots!
I hope in time to comes, would be the mainstream "blogvertisement" and reviews any blogger in Malaysia could use to help companies promote their products and in return the bloggers get paid with real cash, instead of "money inside PayPal" kinda thingy, if you get my drift.
And best of all, they are paying me RM50 for this post alone! How is that for a start?

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